Monday, August 22, 2011

Finishing training

I am currently finishing up the 2 months of training in South Africa. I've been living with a host family and learning the Sepdi language, not to mention, figuring out how to live in a culturally appropriate way in South Africa.

In my last post I think I had just moved in with my host family and I was terrified of getting sick. Well, my family has become the best part of my training experience. Other trainees have nicer accommodations, but I have formed awesome relationships and learned so much about life in South Africa. I also figured out who actually lives at the house: Gogo, two 20sih girls, and 3 children. It took me almost a week to figure out who actually lived there because people were coming and going and I had no idea what was going on.  I’ve become really close with my sister Katlego (it’s pronounced like its spelled, good luck with the “tl”) – she has become my confidant and the person that answers all my questions about how things are done. Anything embarrassing, like if its appropriate to use the chamber pot in my room if its after dark, really cold out, but not bedtime, I just ask her and she tells it to me straight.

I also have received a South African name, “Morongwa” it means “sent or messenger” but the dictionary (which is usually wrong) says “angel” so I prefer to think of myself like that. I introduce myself as “Morongwa Maleka” (using my family’s surname) and South African just laugh and laugh when they hear that.

Here are the current happening:
1.      - Snow in South Africa this past month (not where I am, but its that cold). It is getting warmer, thank goodness.

2.       - We met the chief of the village. He had building, and representatives, he decides who gets to build their houses, where.

3.      -  I’m getting quicker at bucket baths – it helps that I only wash my hair 2 times a week.

4.       - It’s been windy lately, which means dust is constantly in your eyes, but does decrease the smell of the outhouse.

5.       - There was a wedding across the street from my house. Please see pics for more details.

6.       - I volunteered at an old age home with my South African sister – we mopped the floor.

7.       - The PC volunteers visited the Vortrekker monument (basically about the Afrikkaner trek similar to our westward expansion, like Oregon Trail) and the Aparthied museum.

8.       - I’ve taught a couple times at the local high school.

9.      -  Our training coordinator hit a porcupine with his truck, so he skinned it (see pics for more details).

10.   - This is now my mantra “Life is never so good or so bad that it can’t be improved by a hot shower.” Something to think about.

I wiIl visit my permanent site on Wednesday. It is about 2 hours southeast of Polokwane in a village that is not on the map. I'll give you more details about that when I get back.